《史上最难的复古游戏2(Trap Adventure 2)》是一款手机平台游戏,玩家只需要操作小人来通过各种陷阱,到达终点即可,全程没有怪物来阻止你。你以为这很简单吗?而它可能是史上最难,又最容易让你产生沮丧感的游戏了。PewDiePie在玩这款游戏的途中,完美展示了“秒打脸”“神预测”“虐手残”等各种时刻,可以说全程绝望到让人哭出声。
This game is the sequel to the "TrapAdventure".
MFi game controller supported.
Caution!! This may be the most hardest, irritating, frustrating game EVER.
If you tend to exasperate often, I recommend you not play this game.
It will literally drive you insane. I PROMISE.
As written above, this game is VERY STRESSFUL.
You may get so irritated and frustrated that you throw your phone out the window.
I can't take any responsibilities for the displeasure this game may cause.
Even after reading this you are still eager to play the game, then go ahead.
Good luck.